Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Random Pictures

Here is a recent one of Katie, I think she has peanut butter on her face, but I think it's a great picture anyway.

And one of Josh. I think it captures just how much Miguel has managed to corrupt him.


PLove said...

WOW, I've played for decades and he has about the same number of books for D&D, maybe more. :)

jojomynx said...

He bought these to sell...which is why they were all laid out so nicely. He does still have some, but I don't think this many.

Aranne and Dan said...

That kid is SO Miguel's... Sorry there is no denying that one!

By the way you asked about coming to visit... YES!!! Anytime you are so welcome here and I can't wait to see you guys. Tell me more about the trip when you can.