Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Very Own Jedi!

Anyone who knows my son, knows he is a bigger Star Wars fan than his father. It is not an uncommon thing in our home to hear Daddy telling us, "I didn't think there was a bigger Star Wars fan than me..."

*Josh's favorite movie is Star Wars: Clone Wars
*He LOVES the Cartoon Network series (it probably helps that he is allowed to stay up late to watch it...hmm...)
*He is fascinated with Ahsoka Tano - Anikan's padawan.

For those of you who have seen the movie, look for similarities between Josh and Ahsoka in these pictures. Those who haven't seen the movie probably won't get it, but I still think it's cute that Josh is trying to be a Jedi...and please excuse the disaster that used to be the living room. This all happened when Miguel fell asleep on the couch. I came out of my office and found this:

Notice the Lightsaber clipped to his belt for quick access?

How about the wristband up around his hand similar to Ahsoka's wrist-wraps?

For those of you unfamiliar with Ahsoka - here she is at wikipedia

1 comment:

Jenjenbug said...

So cute that he wants to be like a Jedi!!! I love how they try to imitate things! :-D