Monday, September 10, 2007

Josh and Sherman update

Josh updates - Josh likes to "kiss the baby." He'll come over and kiss my tummy whenever I say that. In fact, the other day Josh was laying on the floor and Sarge was near him. I told Sarge to kiss the baby in an effort to get Josh's face washed. Sarge tried to lick him, but Josh was too busy struggling to push Sarge out of the way to stand up. He finally made it up and pushed Sarge aside and came over and kissed my belly. I laughed pretty well at that when I realized what had happened.

Late last week Josh just started talking more and more. He says things we've taught him on his own rather than being prompted now. He woke up from his nap on Saturday and told Miguel, "What's up?" We really have a great time with him.

I'm not sure if Josh really gets it that there is a baby coming into our house soon. He recently started pointing to babies and saying, "baby" but other than kissing my belly, he seems pretty clueless. We do our best to mention the new baby coming and that Josh's going to be a big brother. We've tried to stop referring to Josh as a baby - just a little boy or big boy when he does something grand. I don't know what else we can do, so tips are welcomed.
Sherman update - As you can see from the pictures, he's getting bigger and bigger all the time. The introduction pictures were from when he was 6 weeks old. This post's pictures he is 13 weeks. He's doing really well with his training. He is only pottying outside (if only baby humans could potty train by 13 weeks...) and he is learning from the older dogs all the time. He already knows he needs to wait until he is told he is allowed to eat something before eating it. He seems very smart is is OH SO CUTE!!!

I suppose that's everything new for now. No sign of the new baby coming yet. I'll be sure to have Miguel update this when she decides to show herself to the world.

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