Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Outfit Grandma Bought

Here is a post dedicated to Grandma Sam, who bought Katie and outfit "just because" and sent it cause it was cute. Here are the pictures we promised:
First, please note the sparkly, blue shoes. No, this isn't a great shot, but it's the best I can do (I promise they are very glittery). Also, notice the jealous boy with a mohawk trying to edge his way into the center-of-attention. He was wearing half-pajamas, half normal clothes and old, battered, orange crocks. The height of fashion.

Next, let's check out the awesome embroidery on the legs of these pants. Very chic.

Notice the Frankenstein-esque pose of the model.

Again - some boy who wanted in the photos and caused this photo-shoot to turn into some sort of monster-mash. Oh yes, he's put a shirt on over his pajama-shirt.

And finally, the adorable cuteness that are my kids. Yay.

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