Josh says:
"You know better than that!"
(growling like a bear) "ARRR-JAYYY" - his favorite movie right now is Over the Hedge
He had an entire conversation with a calculator as though he was on the phone yesterday...
"hello - I want, want, pepper ok? pepper please thank you. get some more pepporoni pizza. thank you sir. want macaroni and cheese you guys. thank you sir?" - and yes, anyone who knows us can easily infer "pepper"= Dr.Pepper...he wants to be JUST like Daddy.
Katie's new sound is sort-of a growly noise, almost like a cough. She does it over and over and cracks herself up with it. She grins and only has her 2 bottom teeth. It makes all of us laugh. She walks along the couch now, up and down. She FINALLY figured out how to get from crawling to sitting, but won't put her feet out in front of her yet. She just sits on her feet. She'll pull herself up and will lower herself down. Her clothes won't stay clean because she's constantly crawling everywhere. She wants to be where Josh is, and Josh's goal in life is never to let Katie play with his toys, though he never gets away with it (hence, the "you know better than that" quote above...he must hear it a lot :D ). Katie is now 10 1/2 months and eats WONderfully. Sometimes I think she eats better than Josh, because she'll try anything and then keep eating it. I think he's happy to go to bed without food at times, just so he doesn't have to eat what I've cooked....hmm...maybe I don't blame him, sometimes.
Josh has finally had a growth spurt, and quite the spurt it was. He went from wearing 18-month pants (for what felt like forever, I might add) to 2T in what felt like a week. I now have to buy him new church clothes, and for some reason I still can't find him any black church shoes anywhere. His speech is much clearer now, he doesn't sound as much like a baby anymore. Yes, they really do grow up fast.....
(stay tuned, I'll put a picture of josh up shortly)
A Note to my Pal, Bryce Kramer
7 years ago